How to Make a LARP Sword

Greetings, fellow LARPing enthusiasts! Are you tired of using generic, store-bought swords for your battles? Do you want to showcase your creativity and personal touch on the battlefield? Look no further, because in this step-by-step guide, I will show you how to make your own LARP sword!

From gathering materials to adding the finishing touches, I will guide you through every step of the process to create a personalized, safe, and functional weapon for your LARPing adventures. Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • Creating a personalized LARP sword is easy and fun with the right materials and techniques.
  • By making your own sword, you can showcase your creativity and personal touch on the battlefield.
  • Safety is a top priority when making and using LARP swords, and proper measures should always be taken.
  • Testing and adjusting your completed sword is crucial to ensure its functionality and safety.
  • With additional tips and tricks, you can take your LARP sword making skills to the next level.

Understanding LARP Swords

Welcome to my beginner’s guide to making LARP swords! Before we dive into the construction process, let’s take a closer look at what LARP swords are and why they are so popular among LARPing enthusiasts.

LARP, or Live Action Role Play, is a form of role-playing game where participants physically act out their characters’ actions and interactions. LARP swords are a crucial element of this activity, as they allow players to engage in combat and create an immersive experience.

The Different Types of LARP Swords

There are several types of LARP swords, each with its own set of characteristics and uses. Here are the three most common types:

Type Characteristics Uses
Latex Foam Swords Flexible and durable, with a foam blade covered in latex Most common type of LARP sword, suitable for beginners and experienced players
Boffer Swords Lightweight with a PVC pipe or similar core wrapped in foam Less expensive and easier to make yourself, but less realistic than latex foam swords
Hybrid Swords A combination of latex foam and boffer construction Offers a balance of durability and realism, but can be more expensive

As you can see, there are many options when it comes to LARP swords. Before you begin making your own, take some time to consider which type will best suit your needs and skill level.

Gathering Materials

In this section, I will guide you through the materials required for constructing a LARP sword. A LARP sword is made up of safe and lightweight materials to ensure its use in a live action role-playing game.

The basic materials for larp sword construction include:

  • Foam
  • Duct tape
  • Pipe insulation foam
  • PVC pipe
  • Contact cement
  • A sharp knife or box cutter

Using these materials helps ensure that your LARP sword is safe and functional. It also makes crafting the sword an affordable process.


The foam used in constructing a LARP sword is a type of high-density foam. This foam comes in a variety of thicknesses, densities, and hardness levels. Depending on the desired texture of the sword, you may select different levels of foam density.

Duct Tape

Duct tape is an essential material for constructing LARP swords. Since the foam is not durable, duct tape helps protect the LARP sword from damage and wear and tear. It also gives the sword a realistic look.

Pipe Insulation Foam

Pipe insulation foam is used for creating a core for the sword. The foam is lightweight, safe, and easy to cut to the preferred length, making it a suitable material for the sword’s core. PVC pipe can also be used as an alternative.

Contact Cement

Contact cement is an adhesive that is used to attach the foam to the core. It ensures that the foam remains securely attached to the core during use.

Knife or Box Cutter

A sharp knife or box cutter is needed for cutting the foam and pipe insulation to the required size and shape. Make sure to take necessary precautions while using these tools.

Choosing a Design

Choosing a design for your LARP sword is an important part of the crafting process. You want your sword to stand out and reflect your personality, but you also want to make sure it’s functional. Here are some tips to help you choose a design that is both unique and practical.

Consider Your Character

If you already have a character in mind for your LARPing adventures, think about what type of sword would best fit that character’s personality and background. For example, a knight might have a more traditional sword design, while a rogue might have a sleeker, more modern sword.

Look for Inspiration

There are many different LARP sword designs out there, so it can be helpful to look for inspiration before settling on a final design. You can browse online forums, search social media hashtags, or attend LARP events to see what other people have crafted.

Use Templates

If you’re not confident in your ability to create a design from scratch, there are many templates available online that you can use as a starting point. Just be sure to add your own personal touches to make the design your own.

Think About Functionality

When choosing a design, it’s important to consider the functionality of the sword. Will it be too heavy to wield during long battles? Does the balance of the sword feel right? Make sure that your design not only looks good, but also feels good in your hand.

Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to get creative with your sword design. Elements like different colors, patterns, and textures can add depth and character to your sword.

By following these tips, you can choose a sword design that perfectly complements the character you’re playing and ensures that your sword is both unique and functional. So let your imagination run wild and create a homemade LARP sword that you’ll be proud to wield!

Creating the Blade

Now that all necessary materials are gathered, it is time to start building the blade of the LARP sword. Creating the blade is critical because it is the most essential part of the sword, and it takes the most time to get it right. This section will guide you through a step-by-step process on how to make the perfect blade to suit your needs.

Cutting the Foam

The first step is to select the foam for your blade and cut it to the desired shape. Using a sharp utility knife, trace the shape of the blade onto the foam and carefully cut it out. It is essential to be precise in cutting the foam to ensure that the blade has the right shape and size.

Shaping the Blade

Once the foam has been cut to the right shape, use a rotary tool to shape the foam. A rotary tool is an excellent tool for shaping foam because it can make precise cuts and can be used to create intricate details. Use the rotary tool to round the edges of the foam and create a bevel on the blade, giving it a more realistic appearance.

Adding the Core

After the foam has been shaped to the desired form, it is time to add a core to provide stability to the blade. A fiberglass or carbon fiber rod is the ideal choice for a core because it is sturdy and lightweight. Insert the chosen core into the foam by drilling a hole down the center of the blade and sliding it in. Then, secure the core in place with hot glue or epoxy resin, ensuring that it is centered correctly.

Covering the Blade with Duct Tape

The final step in creating the LARP sword blade is to cover it with duct tape, which makes it more durable and realistic. Begin covering the blade from the center, working your way towards the edges, ensuring that the tape is tight but not too tight. Then wrap the tape around the edges to secure it in place, and trim off any excess tape carefully. The blade should be smooth, with no bumps or wrinkles in the tape.

With these steps, you have successfully created the blade of your LARP sword. Be sure to take your time, and use precision in cutting and shaping the foam to create a realistic and safe blade.

Crafting the Hilt

Now that we have the blade of our LARP sword complete, it’s time to move on to the hilt. The hilt is the handle and guard of the sword, and it’s important to make sure it’s sturdy and secure. Follow these step-by-step instructions to create a hilt that will last through all your LARPing adventures.


  • Foam
  • Duct tape
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun


  1. Start by measuring out the length of the handle based on your own preferences. Cut a piece of foam to match that length.
  2. Next, cut another piece of foam into a rectangular shape that will serve as the guard of the sword. This piece should be wide enough to cover your hand while holding the sword.
  3. Using your hot glue gun, attach the guard to the handle. Make sure it’s securely attached and won’t come loose during use.
  4. Cut small strips of duct tape and begin wrapping them around the handle and guard. Make sure to tightly wrap the duct tape to ensure a secure hold.
  5. Continue wrapping the handle and guard with duct tape until it’s completely covered. This will provide additional durability and help protect the foam from damage.
  6. Finally, use additional duct tape to attach the hilt to the blade. Wrap the duct tape around the base of the blade and the top of the handle to create a secure connection.

By following these steps, you should now have a fully functional LARP sword with a sturdy and secure hilt. As with the blade, you can use your creativity to add additional decorative touches to the hilt if desired.

Adding Details and Decoration

Now that you have the basic structure of your homemade LARP sword, it’s time to add some personality to it. This is where you can get creative and really make your sword stand out on the battlefield. Here are some tips for adding details and decorations:

  • Consider your character’s personality and backstory when choosing colors and designs for your sword.
  • Use different textures and materials to add visual interest and depth to your sword. For example, you could add leather or fabric to the handle for a more realistic look.
  • Experiment with painting techniques to create unique designs and patterns on your sword. You could use stencils, sponges, or even your fingers to create different effects.
  • Use metallic paints or marker pens to create the illusion of metal parts on your sword, such as a silver blade or gold hilt.
  • Add decals or stickers to personalize your sword even further. There are plenty of online stores that sell LARP-related stickers that you can use to decorate your weapon.

Remember, while it’s important to make your sword look cool, safety should always come first. Don’t add anything that could compromise the integrity of your sword or make it dangerous to use. For example, avoid adding sharp or pointed edges that could cause injury, and make sure any added decorations are securely attached.

“Adding details and decorations to your LARP sword is a great way to make it stand out on the battlefield, but make sure you’re not compromising safety for aesthetics.”

Finishing Touches and Safety Measures

Now that your LARP sword is almost complete, it’s important to take some extra steps to ensure its safety and longevity. Here are some essential finishing touches and safety measures to consider:

Protective Tips

Before you start using your LARP sword, it’s important to remember that safety should always come first. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and eye protection, when using your LARP sword.
  • Never swing your LARP sword at someone’s head or any other body part, even if it’s made of foam.
  • Avoid using your LARP sword for anything other than LARPing activities, as it may not be safe or durable enough for other purposes.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure your LARP sword lasts as long as possible, you should take good care of it and perform regular maintenance. Here are some tips:

  • Store your LARP sword in a dry, cool place, away from any direct sunlight or heat.
  • Inspect your LARP sword regularly and repair any damage or wear and tear as soon as possible.
  • Clean your LARP sword regularly using a damp cloth and mild soap, and avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, making a LARP sword can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. By following this step-by-step tutorial and taking some extra precautions to ensure safety and longevity, you’ll be able to create a personalized and functional weapon for all your LARPing adventures.

Testing and Adjusting

Now that you have completed creating your LARP sword, it’s time to test and adjust it to ensure it is safe and functional. This step is crucial as a poorly crafted sword may cause injury to yourself or others during LARP activities.

The first step is to test the flexibility of the blade. Place the sword on a flat surface and press down on the blade. It should bend easily and not break or crack. If it fails this test, you may need to add more foam to the blade or adjust the duct tape covering.

Next, check the weight distribution of the sword. Hold it in your hand and feel if the weight is evenly distributed. If it is not, adjust the hilt or blade as necessary.

If your sword passes these tests, it’s time to test it in action. Practice swings and strikes to ensure it is comfortable to handle and does not pose any safety risks to yourself or others. If any issues arise, make the necessary adjustments before using it in LARP activities.

Common Adjustments and Repairs

Even with careful crafting, your LARP sword may require adjustments or repairs over time. Here are some common issues and how to fix them:

Issue Solution
Blade is too floppy Open the duct tape covering and add more foam to the blade until it reaches the desired firmness.
Hilt is loose Add more layers of duct tape to the hilt or adjust the attachment to the blade to ensure a secure fit.
Blade is damaged If the blade is torn or damaged, cut it off and replace it with a new one. Make sure to properly attach it to the hilt to maintain stability.

By following this guide, you now have the knowledge and skills to create and maintain your own LARP sword. Remember to always prioritize safety and make necessary adjustments to ensure a fun and safe LARPing experience. Happy crafting!

Tips and Tricks for LARP Sword Making

If you’re looking to take your LARP sword making skills to the next level, here are some tips and tricks that can help you create a unique and personalized weapon:

1. Experiment with Different Materials

While foam and duct tape are essential materials for making a LARP sword, don’t be afraid to experiment with other materials. For example, you can incorporate wood or PVC into your design to add more stability to the sword.

2. Use Creative Painting Techniques

Painting your LARP sword can be a fun and creative way to add personality and flare. Consider using stencils, airbrushing, or even adding a metallic finish to make your sword stand out.

3. Add Textures and Details

Adding textures and details to your LARP sword can enhance its appearance and make it more immersive for LARPing. You can use materials like hot glue, fabric, or even pieces of leather to add depth and detail to your sword.

4. Customize the Hilt

The hilt of your LARP sword is an important part of its design and can greatly impact how it feels to hold and use. Consider adding different grips, pommels, or even using different materials to make your hilt unique.

5. Practice Proper Maintenance

Proper maintenance is key to ensuring that your LARP sword lasts and remains safe for use. Be sure to regularly inspect and repair any damages, and store it in a safe and dry place when not in use.

6. Take Inspiration from Other Sources

There are plenty of resources available online for LARP sword making inspiration. Consider looking at tutorials, forums, or even borrowing design elements from your favorite movies, games, or books to make your LARP sword truly one-of-a-kind.

With these tips and tricks, you’re on your way to creating a unique and personalized LARP sword. Remember, the key to success is patience, attention to detail, and a willingness to experiment and learn as you go.


Now that you have finished reading this step-by-step guide on how to make a LARP sword, I hope you have gained the confidence to make your own DIY LARP sword. It can be a fun and rewarding experience to create your personalized weapon for LARPing activities.

Remember to always prioritize safety when making and using LARP swords. By following the tips and techniques provided in this LARP sword tutorial, you can ensure that your sword is safe and functional for LARPing adventures.

Tips and Tricks for LARP Sword Making

If you are interested in taking your LARP sword crafting skills to the next level, here are some additional tips and tricks:

  • Experiment with alternative materials such as rubber or foam clay to add texture and details to your sword.
  • Use stencils or templates to create intricate designs on your sword.
  • Consider adding LED lights or other special effects to your sword for a unique touch.
  • Practice makes perfect! Don’t be afraid to try different techniques and methods until you find one that works best for you.

With these techniques and your newfound knowledge of LARP sword making, you can create a unique and personalized weapon that will make your LARPing adventures even more exciting and fun.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have enjoyed this LARP sword making guide. Happy crafting!


How long does it take to make a LARP sword?

The time it takes to make a LARP sword can vary depending on the complexity of the design and your level of experience. On average, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to complete the entire process.

Can I use any type of foam for the blade?

It is recommended to use closed-cell foam, such as EVA foam or camping mat foam, for the blade of a LARP sword. These types of foam are durable and provide a good balance of safety and functionality.

What safety measures should I consider when making a LARP sword?

Safety is crucial when making and using LARP swords. Some important safety measures include using proper protective equipment, ensuring the sword has a safe striking surface, and making sure all components are securely attached to prevent them from coming loose during combat.

Can I customize the design of my LARP sword?

Absolutely! One of the great things about making your own LARP sword is the ability to customize the design to your liking. Whether you want a specific shape, color scheme, or decorative details, you can get creative and make your sword truly unique.

Can I use my LARP sword for actual combat?

LARP swords are designed for safe and controlled combat in LARPing activities. While they are typically safe for use in these settings, they may not be suitable for actual combat situations or for aggressive sparring. Always prioritize safety and follow the guidelines of your LARPing group.

Can I make a LARP sword without any experience or special tools?

Yes, you can make a LARP sword without any experience or specialized tools. Many tutorials and guides are available online that provide step-by-step instructions using common household tools and materials. It’s a great way to start your LARPing journey without investing in expensive equipment.

How do I maintain and store my LARP sword?

To maintain your LARP sword, regularly inspect it for any signs of damage or wear and make any necessary repairs. Store it in a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing it in a compressed position to prevent deformation of the foam and other materials.

Can I sell the LARP swords I make?

It depends on the laws and regulations of your country or state. Some places may require a license or permit to sell weapons, even if they are non-lethal LARP swords. Make sure to research and comply with any legal requirements before attempting to sell your creations.

Are there any alternatives to foam for making a LARP sword?

While foam is commonly used for making LARP swords due to its safety and flexibility, there are alternative materials you can explore, such as thermoplastics or PVC pipe. However, it’s important to ensure that any alternative materials you use still meet the safety requirements of your LARPing community.

Can I use my LARP sword in different LARPing systems?

LARPing systems may have their own rules and regulations regarding weapon construction and usage. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the specific rules of each LARPing system you plan to participate in, as they may have different requirements for LARP sword design and safety.

Posted on 1 November 2023 in Blog,Foam Weapons,Weapons and Armor by

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